I woke up!
It was dark, tried opening my eyes, didn't do much help. As if I was inside a void with only darkness around me.
I opened my eyes and the darkness flooded in!
I tried remembering where I was, tried remembering something that could explain why I am here, all in vain. My head hurt and I couldn't recall anything. It felt like the time has collapsed on itself and now there is nothing else, well except for this dark void.
They say your lizard brain wakes up in these situations. From the depths of your consciousness, and attempts to guide your instincts to safety. I see something now! Maybe my eyes have finally adjusted themselves to this darkness. Something familiar comes into my vision, laying in front of me. A leather spined book on top of a towel, an old leather bound book.
I looked around, I was sitting in the shade of a tree. Can you still call it a shade when there is nothing but darkness around? Like if a tree falls in the woods far away from you, did it make any sound?
I stood up!
Soft land below my feet, my head is still giving me a hard time. I see a faint veil of smoke everywhere around me, or maybe its just my mind playing tricks on me. It was still everywhere, not a slight gust of wind, not a speck of sound anywhere, except for the ringing in my ears.
I would really need some heads up here! Where to go? How to did I end up in this place to begin with? I took the book and tried to make the cover. Um! Too dark! The book smelled like it was an old, dusty one, might be a hundred years old. The pages were surprisingly firm in that comparison though.
I can't wait here like this forever!
I might as well go around and see if there's a way out, but to where? Is this how the first of the beings felt when their consciousness evolved ! I wonder! I took up the towel and the book and started walking straight ahead of me.
My head is starting to clear a bit now and so are my senses. I am hearing a humming noise that is pulsing through the ground and coming to me.
"Sets of three."
Something inside of me took a turn. A spark above me! I started waking faster, if there's a storm coming, I don't want to be out here! My vision ended on a log cabin through the trees in front of me.
"Concentration is the key"
The air is getting heavy, I've strained myself in running out the storm. Not much left in me, I walk as fast as I can, the humming noise has intensified itself. Another flash, no thunder, almost there!
“A towel, is about the most massively useful thing a hitchhiker can have."
I jolted open the door of the cabin, the warm air welcomed me, I left a sigh of relief and the memories rushed in!