Close Apart Chapter – 2 “They meet…” “British Council, 5:00 pm, Hmm” The reason Aditya was thinking so much that day, because meeting Amrita at 5’o clock would mean that he would have to leave his office half an hour ago than his usual time. And that would mean that he’ll have to take this matter to his manager’s concern. “At 5:00!! What for? “ “Actually I have an appointment… with my… Dentist.” God knows why Dentists get involved in these appointments!! So, there he was! Out of his office, half an hour earlier than usual.Aditya was feeling a little uneasy. Actually he was never comfortable with girls. An issue which was of a major concern for his fellow colleagues. Many a times his friends have arranged blind dates for him, but all in vain!! But this time it is little different. Anyone who had known Aditya would have gone through a major shock viewing him talk to a girl, but Aditya knew he had a header here. Actually, Amrita was in the same class, in which Aditya used to study… “So yo...
This Blog Is Just Meant For The Creative Writing part which was long neglected...