Train Encounter Chapter-6 "What!! He's on the Radio!!" Shalini went back home and helped herself with some food. She was really starving! Then she sneaked into her room & closed the door behind her. She switched off all the lights and sat down at her favourite place, laying her back against the cupboard. She used this place as her very own place in this vast universe. A place where she could think about anything and everything. A place where she was really free to do whatever she wanted. Shalini thought about all those times when she used to settle there in between her board exam studies for sometimes, to ponder about her day so far in general & life ahead in particular. Shalini recalled how she had sat there for hours talking with Arun, who on the other side kept on insisting that the talk is getting too long. He was ignorent of the fact that Simple chats over phone are more romantic than long strolls in silent streets. Arun was always this 'Silent Lover'...
This Blog Is Just Meant For The Creative Writing part which was long neglected...