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Together Forever (Chapter-4)

Together Forever
"The Last Ride Together (?)"

Rohit's voice was chocking under the surge of his emotions

"Today, my last wish has been fulfilled. But, Simran I want you to forgive me for not being able to be true to all those promises that I had made to you! And if you can, go away from my life. I can't see you getting emptied day by day because of my awiting death... Go away Simran. Get a better life!"

"Rohit! I thought you know me well. But I was wrong. What do you think? Is it so easy for you to go out of my life so easily?
Rohit, I won't leave you. I can't leave you!! I am nothing without you and you too are incomplete without me! Nothing in this world can stop me from loving you, and if our love is true no power can let us apart! Not even death.
Our last ride together will never come! Since our love is eternal."

The sun sank beneath the horizon, giving the whole surounding a tint of red, and Rohit's car sweeped along the path which was once silent.


Ice.Fire said…
wow,.... simply wow.
Anonymous said…
In comparasion to the previous one, the story is rather drab. Though the characters receive our sympathy, they do not get the opportunity to show their strength of character in a crisis. The author seems to be in a hurry to get rid of them. Something of a tear jerker, the story fails to utilise its potential fully.
i dont know who this is,who remarked 'wow'
really the story is pathetic...the same orthodox story..rather a combination of 'shabd' and 'kal ho na ho' will be a mistake to consider it a story since it is smaller than an extract...there were more expectations after the 'train encounter'
Arc said…
Thanx Abhishek For Ur Comment! Take this story as I took it! As an expression! Which I felt to express after I read an excerpt in One magazine (Graphiti, Survival strategies)
Consider it as a Filler between two stories!