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Close Apart(Chapter-7)

Close Apart
“At The Train Station”

Aditya got a call next morning.

“Adi, could you please come to the station?”

“Now? I mean what happened?”

“Come here and I’ll explain it all, will you?”

“Ok Howrah, right? I’m reaching”

“I’ll be waiting…”

After a few minutes, Aditya was there at the station.

“Thanks for coming, only this morning I got a call from

mummy saying that she wants me to visit her really


“Well that’s sooner enough!” said Aditya

“Now don’t starting brooding over it! I’ll be back very


“You better be… otherwise someone’s life’s going to be

really miserable…” Aditya held Amrita’s hand.

“I promise.”

“Now when’s your train? You got reservation?”

“Just got current reservation, the train’s in an hour.”

Said Amrita

“Eh… well I need to hurry up, I don’t have any more

leaves left, I’m sorry!!”

“It’s alright, rush to your work. I’ll be OK.” Said

Amrita & pushed Aditya forward.

“Take Care!”

“You’re late!” greeted Manish as soon as Aditya got in

the office.

“Mr. Arora wants to see you right now…”


“Well it was actually ten minutes ago…”

Aditya went in his Boss’s cabin.

“Sir you wanted to see me?”

“Oh Aditya you are just in time. Well, I have this

important appointment which I can’t miss, and I was

supposed to receive someone at the station, actually my

daughter Komal is coming home from New Delhi, in about

an hour…” Mr. Arora fished his wallet and took out a

small piece of paper. “Here are the details, take my car

& drive her straight to my apartment, and then you

report back as per your time. Will you do it for me?


I guess Aditya had no option!!

So he was back to Howrah station. The first thing he did

was checking the stat of Rajdhani Express. He was left

with about half an hour before the train came. So he

rushed towards the platform where he left Amrita not so

long ago!

“In case you need something, I’m right here…”

“Aditya!! What are you doing here?”

“My boss sends me back!”

Aditya, are you lying in style?

“You know one thing… just when I was sitting here, all

alone. I was feeling like I was the loneliest girl in

this whole world… and then…”

“And then I got you. Amrita, please don’t refuse me

today if I ask you for a small favor… will you?”

“What?” was Amrita guessing something?

“You Know? When at least 45 more years would have

passed, when everything else around here would have

either changed or gone. I want to be the only person who

would come to accompany you at the train station… can

you grant that right to me?”

Either it was the tinge of her smile or the light

scattering through the teardrops that let Aditya know

that she would possibly don’t mind doing this favor.


Ice.Fire said…
well worth the wait... good chapter.

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