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Close Apart (Chapter-13)

Close Apart
Few Hours Earlier That Day

26th February 2002

“All routes in this line are busy, please try again later”

Aditya dropped his cell phone in disgust.

“When these cell networks will give better facilities to roaming customers?”

Aditya looked frustrated, well he should be, because he’s now trying for the 3rd consecutive day to get Amrita on line but he has not succeeded so far. To top it all, he can’t even call her home telephone! Strict orders.

Suddenly his cell rang! Aditya picked it up in one flash to see

“Hi Aditya! Manish here.”


“I was guessing tomorrow will be a hectic day for us…”


“So I was thinking if we could fix the meeting today…”

“What meeting?”

“Arey! The meeting between me and your girlfriend!”

“That’s not possible!”


“You said tomorrow…”

“Why not today?”

“Because… Because…”

“Because she’s not here… right?”

“O.K. tell me the place, let’s finish this off.”

“That’s the spirit!! Coffee House, Half an hour.”


Aditya was in deep trouble now!! He quickly called Komal.

“Yes Aditya, tell me!”

“Komal, can you reach Coffee House in half hour?”

“What for?”

“Manish has played a trick; he wants to meet Amrita today, now!!”

“But that won’t work! I don’t know anything about her, about you two!!”

“O.K. let me think, yeah listen. I’m taking a taxi to your home & then we’ll both reach the spot together, and on the way I’ll explain you everything.”


“See ya!”
Aditya pressed the door bell, and started thinking about what he should do…

“yes mom I’ll be back very soon! Let’s go…” Komal sprang out of her doorway.

“Thanks a lot!!”

“Never mind, be ready if I ever need you to pose as my boyfriend!”

“That’ll be my honor!!” And Aditya meant it!

They got in the taxi

“College Street, Coffee House!”
“There you are!! I’ve been waiting here for five long minutes!”

“Come on man! It’s just five minutes… you don’t have to babble about that!”

“Aditya! Calm down.” Komal was straight to her form.

“Hi Manish! I’m Amrita. You needed to see me to verify that I exist…”

“Is that what Aditya told you? Oh… don’t trust him, he’s a liar! Let’s have a seat. ”


“So Amrita, what would you like to have?” it was Aditya.

“Just coffee, I don’t prefer heavy meals just before dinner.”

“Coffee for me too” Manish agreed

“Three coffees please!” Aditya raised his voice.

“So Amrita, what do you do?”

“Me? I work in The British Council”

“Oh the security section, I forgot!”

“Actually I am in the Front Desk section! I’m their receptionist”

“My memory, it’s going a little slower these days”

“Why don’t you let me wipe it!” said Aditya

“Oh Adi! Why are you so tempered? He’s just joking!”

Komal held Aditya’s arms in a gesture of reassurance.

A shiver went in Aditya’s mind. He recalled how Amrita used to hold him like this to cool him down! Aditya felt the touch. Suddenly the absence of Amrita grasped him all over again!

“Excuse me! I’ll just go and check what’s taking them so much to serve our orders.” And Aditya sneaked away.

“So tell me Amrita! What made you love Aditya? I mean, what in him did attract you?” Manish was right on.

Well this is a situation!! How could anybody train anyone to give such answers?

“Well, I’d say his simplicity. His innocence, his childish behavior in everything he does! How he’s so messy yet so arranged in his own way. His friendly smile, well, it seems that I like a lot about him. But most of all, I like his truthfulness, when he looked into my eyes and said that it’s his honor to be my boyfriend… I felt it! I simply love him.”

“Look Amrita, don’t take this otherwise, I am a very good friend of Aditya and I was very much tensed about how he was leading his life lately. But now I’m assured. I’m 100% sure that he’s made a great decision by choosing you!! And…”

“What’s up buddy, still disturbing my girl?”

Aditya popped in with the waiter. The coffee was served.

“Aditya, I free you from today onwards from dating other girls! Amrita is perfect; she’s the one for you!”

“What you’ve done?” Aditya was amazed

“It’s called the God’s grace!!” Replied Amrita…Oh no… Komal… I meant… Leave it!! It’s too confusing!!


Ice.Fire said…
hey, good chapter. Carus is a latin word for beloved.

Cant wait for your next update.

Anonymous said…
Hmm.... the case is getting jumbled up. The build up of suspense is praiseworthy. We are waiting with bated breath.